Our Fusion Fitness and Performance™ system featuring Core-to-Strength™ Training is a scientific, no-nonsense, back-to-basics approach that works.
If you’d like some details on how Fernando created his unique training system, this section is for you.
It all starts here…
The Brain
Neurological Fitness - The brain is the body's control center. Through synchronized electrical impulses the brain tells your body what, when and how to do things. An "out-of-shape" brain can experience short-circuits and send out weak, out-of sync, distorted messages to your muscles, organs and body systems. This fact was understood by the ancient Greek and Roman physicians hence the adage "Sound Mind, Sound Body."
Today’s scientific research has proven that the brain-to-muscle connection must be trained and strengthened in order to experience vibrant health and fitness. For this reason, neurological fitness is the cornerstone of our programming.
And this training involves more than doing mere crossword puzzles. Research shows this requires complex total-body movement patterns to be successful. The result is "smart" muscle and a strong brain-to-muscle connection that always activates the RIGHT set of muscles during ANY exercise or activity.
Better Activation = Better Workouts = Better RESULTS!
Yes, a strong, healthy and fit brain does help create a strong, healthy and fit body. Hence, the key concept we promote is "No Brain, No Gain."
The Body
To understand how to properly train the body we need to understand the basics of human body function. The structural make up of the human body is comprised of over 620 muscles, 206 bones, a brain and nervous system with billions of nerve endings and vast webbing of connective tissue called fascia, which connects and holds it all together.
The muscular system can be divided into two main categories:
Large “moving” muscles
Small structural “support” muscles
The large moving muscles are the typical ones most people know: chest, lats, shoulders, quads, hamstrings, etc. and are few in number. (10% of muscles)
The small structural support muscles are the ones not commonly seen because they lie underneath the large muscles. These muscles like: rotator cuff muscles, rhomboids, intercostals, psoas, transverse abdominus, internal obliques, paraspinals, etc. number in the hundreds. (90% of muscles!)
Add to this the neurologically-sensitive fascia which forms vast muscular networks throughout your body and you have some serious head-to-toe communication and movement support. One such network is the spiral line pictured here.
The science teaches us that the human body functions as an highly-intelligent movement-interpretation machine that thrives on exploring total-body movements in a variety of positions, angles, levels, directions, speeds and environments.
Exercise must abide by these human body basics, if you want to create the healthy, strong, lean, energetic and fit body you desire.
from the book, Anatomy Trains, Thomas Myers
Most conventional strength training programs
do not focus on the above science.
This creates problems.
The Problem
Most conventional strength training programs:
1 - Only train the large, “showy” muscles. This leaves hundreds of smaller structural muscles and their connective tissues untrained. When this supportive musculature becomes weak, the larger muscles will eventually overpower them. This leads to an out-of-balance body with problems like: asymmetries, distorted movement, increased joint and spinal stress and tight, achy muscles. What about balanced, all-around strength and fitness?
2 - Are designed to work for a “textbook-perfect” body. If your muscles, nervous system, joints, physiology, digestion, hormones, stress and recovery systems, etc, did everything properly, every single day, then most conventional programs may work just fine for you. And there is a minority of people who fit that category. However, they are not the majority. What about the majority of us who have a normal physiology that experiences ups and downs?
3 - Overwork and over-train the body. The train-until-you-drop intensity promoted by many conventional programs borders on physical abuse. Only those with “superhuman” genetics and steel-cable for ligaments and tendons can tolerate that type of extreme exercise intensity, get results and not get hurt. This category of people is extremely small. How are the rest of us who have regular-to-good genetics and normal ligaments and tendons supposed to exercise?
For the majority of people, conventional methods are making health & fitness problems worse.
A big reason why is because conventional strength training develops “counterfeit” strength.
Coun·ter·feit (kaunt-ər-fit) 1. something likely to be mistaken for something of higher value 2. being false, artificial, pseudo, unauthentic or treacherous 3. A non-genuine article; a fake.
Fernando’s Definition of “Counterfeit” Strength Training 1. methods that overly rely on training the large muscles of the body using isolation exercises without proper structural muscle support. 2. methods that build “workout” strength and not functional strength-you-can-use in life or sport.
Counterfeit methods only build strength in:
SOME muscles – instead of every muscle
CERTAIN body positions – instead of any body position
SOME movements – instead of all movements
Problems created by Counterfeit Strength Training:
Weakened core, body structure and joints
Imbalanced strength, movement compensations and asymmetries
Poor brain-to-muscle connection. Some muscles develop high-activation and skill ability (PhD level) while other muscles remain at low-activation and skill ability (Elementary level)
To understand how these problems came about,
you need to look at the past.
The Past
All the original exercise systems of the past: Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome looked at the human body as a whole. Mind - Body - Spirit. Which is why these systems addressed everything from breathing, digestion, proper rest, proper thinking and physical training in a complete and balanced way. They understood that everything is connected.
Throughout history, exercise traditionally followed a total-body approach. And in the 1800’s the term “Physical Culture” was coined to describe this total-body practice.
For thousands of years, physical trainers taught total-body movement-based exercise working ALL the muscles of the body, large and small, resulting in complete and balanced development of the body.
This is why all gyms used to look like THESE: (tap to scroll)
Around 1950, two things emerged that led to the demise of the original total-body approach:
Exercise Machines that isolated muscle groups
Anabolic Steroids
Exercise machine manufacturers spent a lot of money convincing people into thinking that exercising with machines was better. These "assembly-line" one-size-fits-all machine-based workouts were easy to teach but was not as effective as the original Physical Culture approach. Unfortunately, people believed the manufacturers marketing message and quickly traded substance for a bunch of shiny machines.
Before steroids, the only way to get results was by using scientific exercise, eating right and healthy habits. Steroids allowed people to get results WITHOUT proper training and nutrition. Hence, following a healthy lifestyle didn't matter anymore.
In time, the original "Physical Culture" approach to exercise, nutrition, healthy lifestyle and personal development was discarded. And today, it's practically non-existent.
Why is this important?
Conventional training methods [After 1950] were heavily influenced by equipment manufacturers and steroid-using athletes. These extreme “no pain, no gain” and “more-is-better” programs were sold to the masses but neglected to share that they only work if you used steroids and/or have “super-human” genetics. This is the main reason why the majority of people always struggle to get results from conventional methods.
Many of the health and fitness problems we face today is because of ignoring our Physical Culture past.
• Health is always 1st – restoring and preparing the body for results
• Strength is 2nd – to be developed to enhance results
• Appearance is 3rd – which improved automatically as a result of attaining the previous two of the hierarchy: Health and Strength
• The Human Body is a dynamic living "machine"
• Total-body exercises are a must for authentic results
• Balanced physical development is the ultimate goal
• Fitness-for-Life: purpose is to create healthy habits, a strong, fit and energetic body to enhance quality of life, increase longevity and to become a better person.
Mural found in Tomb at Beni Hasan, circa 3500BC. Depicts Egyptian total-body exercise.
Discobolus of Myron circa 450BC. Known for its expression of athletic energy, harmony, balance and symmetry.
Arthur Saxon circa 1910. World Record Holder One-Arm Overhead Lift at 336 lbs. Used only Physical Culture methods. - No belt. No wraps or straps. No steriods.
Abbye Stockton circa 1940. The FIRST female fitness superstar. She proved women can train with weights and maintain a feminine look.
Conventional exercise created problems because it ignored our physical culture roots.
What’s the solution?
The Solution
Fernando’s FUSION FITNESS & PERFORMANCE™ System has combined the original time-proven Physical Culture methods of the past with present-day science. After decades-long intensive study: 15 years of in-the-trenches experience as a Trainer, 6 years of painstaking research reviewing physical culture methods of the past and present-day exercise science, 2 years (and counting) of development and meticulous refinements, a system was born. A total health, fitness and performance system that delivers consistent results in the most efficient way possible.
Restoration, Fitness and Performance all in one.
As with all the successful training systems of the past, my system looks at the human body as a whole. Mind - Body - Spirit. It addresses everything from breathing, digestion, proper rest, mindset and physical training in a balanced way for vibrant health, fitness and performance. The approach is best-of-both-worlds system you won't find anywhere else.
The original methods give us the time-tested principles proven to work. And new technology gives us more tools to apply those proven exercise principles.
The science shows me ‘what’ to do - and the art is in ‘how’ it’s done.
Fernando’s Core-to-Strength™ “through-the-core” strength training works the body “from-the-inside-out”, solving all the problems created by conventional strength training:
Core-to-Strength trains ALL muscles… not just the external muscles with isolation exercises. Our total-body exercises train the entire body: core, internal muscles and external muscles, all together. This creates balanced, all-around strength and fitness.
Core-to-Strength works for ALL bodies… not just bodies that are textbook-perfect. If something isn’t working, we can “trouble-shoot” to identify the problem and make the needed adjustments to keep you moving forward. This allows for every body to exercise effectively.
Core-to-Strength works for ALL levels… not just those who have “super” genetics. Our program has multiple variations of exercises, stretches, routines and training techniques that can match the right amount of intensity for your fitness level. This makes success attainable for all.
Core-to-Strength has 3-stages of development:
Stage one: weak core. Restore the foundation.
Stage two: strong core. Build strength, skills and abilities.
Stage three: complete core. Total-body strength, skills and abilities.
Each stage prepares you to advance to the next CTS level.
Old & New
Science & Art
The Studio
Our private exercise studio continues the tradition of the original gyms with open space for total-body exercise, personal instruction and proven tools: Indian clubs, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, cables & pulleys, medicine balls, ropes, bands and more.
The Gym at The College of the City of New York, circa 1927
Fusion Fitness Studio, Est. 2003